The KSME journal, first published in 1959, includes papers, editorials, and tutorials. Since 1977, research papers are published in the Transactions, and the KSME Journal has become the Society's magazine. Currently, the KSME Journal carries interviews, internet information, new technologies, new products, special topics, essays, member's opinions, patent information, health, industry news, event notices, the explanations od technical terms and institute news. (published monthly)
Transantions of the KSME, that started in 1977, accept regular papers and technical articles. The regular papers are original contribution to lead the field of mechanical engineering, while the technical articles focus on applications of mechanical engineering. (two volumes published monthly)
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology (English) |
The Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology acceptes original papers written in English, that contribute to the field of mechanical engineering.
This journal is registered on SCIE(Science Citation index Expanded) and CC/EC & T (Current content/Engineeing, Computering & Technology) of ISI(Institute for Scientific Information) since 1995. (published monthly)
Dictionary of Machanical Engineering Terminologies |
This dictionary contains more than 18,000 terms that were defined by reviewing and standardizing existing terms. In addition, it lists the terms in Korean, Chinese, and English for users' convenience. (published in 1992, 752 pages)
(a) gear and geared device
(b) machine tools (lathe)
(c) radial and axial flow pump design
(d) diesel engine design
(e) boiler design
Report on technical consultation and various design criteria
KSME, Room 702, KSTC New Bld. 635-4, Yeogsam-dong, Kangnam-ku, Seoul, Korea(135-703)
Tel:(02) 501-3646, 3648 FAX:(02) 501-3649 |